John Davidson

php - Doctrine Repository Symfony 6


I'm doing a project on symfony 6 and I have some problems with my request!
I have a menu + subcategory with products.
The products are only listed in the subcategories
So, I created this request with my repository

* I need 5 articles with the same category
* @return Articles[] Returns an array of Articles objects
public function FindTheLastFiveArticleWithCategory(): array
return $this->createQueryBuilder('a')

and my controller

$GroupeCategory = [];
$ArticlesCategory = $this->articlesRepository->FindTheLastFiveArticleWithCategory();

foreach ($ArticlesCategory as $cat) {
$id = $cat->getCatagory()[0]->getId();
if (isset($GroupeCategory[$id])) {
$GroupeCategory[$id]['articles'][] = $cat;
} else {
$GroupeCategory[$id] = [
'id' => $id,
'category' => $cat->getCatagory()[0]->getName(),
'slugCategory' => $cat->getCatagory()[0]->getSlug(),
'articles' => [

Until then, everything works.

The final result should have been

I want 5 articles / main category

of the type

SELECT all my items from the TABLE items


SELECT all my items from the table item WHERE product name = short sleeve shirt limit 5

SELECT all my items from the table item WHERE product name = jeans *** limit 5

SELECT all my items from the table item WHERE product name = watch *** limit 5

My Answer:
To achieve the desired result of getting the last 5 articles for each main category, you can modify your repository method to include a join with the category entity and group by the category. Here's an example of how you can modify your repository method:

* Get the last 5 articles for each main category
* @return array
public function findLastFiveArticlesForMainCategories(): array
return $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
->leftJoin('a.category', 'c')
->select(' as categoryName, c.slug as categorySlug, a')
->orderBy('a.createdAt', 'DESC')

Then in your controller, you can iterate over the results to group the articles by main category:

$mainCategories = [];
$articlesByCategory = $this->articlesRepository->findLastFiveArticlesForMainCategories();

foreach ($articlesByCategory as $article) {
$categoryName = $article['categoryName'];
$categorySlug = $article['categorySlug'];

if (!isset($mainCategories[$categoryName])) {
$mainCategories[$categoryName] = [
'name' => $categoryName,
'slug' => $categorySlug,
'articles' => []

$mainCategories[$categoryName]['articles'][] = $article['a'];

// Now $mainCategories will contain the last 5 articles for each main category

This way, you will get the last 5 articles for each main category and be able to group them accordingly in your controller.

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