John Davidson

php - Hide command prompt in laravel desktop application


I have developed a laravel desktop application and it is working fine. When i run my laravel desktop application php artisan serve command automatically starts in the command prompt and it shows on the desktop like this

but I do not require to be shown it should run in the background. guide me for this thank you in advance

My Answer:
To hide the command prompt window when running your Laravel desktop application, you can use a tool like `nssm` (Non-Sucking Service Manager) to create a Windows service that runs your PHP server in the background.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Download `nssm` from the official website:

2. Extract the `nssm.exe` file to a directory on your computer.

3. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.

4. Navigate to the directory where you extracted `nssm.exe`.

5. Run the following command to create a Windows service for your PHP server:

nssm install YourServiceName "C:\path\to\php.exe" ["C:\path\to\artisan" serve]

Replace `YourServiceName` with the name you want to give to your service, and replace `C:\path\to\php.exe` and `C:\path\to\artisan` with the actual paths to your PHP executable and `artisan` file.

6. Open the Windows Services Manager by running `services.msc` in the command prompt.

7. Find your newly created service in the list, right-click on it, and select `Properties`.

8. In the `Log On` tab, select `This account` and enter your Windows username and password.

9. Click `OK` to save the changes.

10. Start the service by right-clicking on it and selecting `Start`.

Your Laravel desktop application should now run in the background without showing the command prompt window. You can access your application by navigating to `http://localhost:8000` in your web browser.

Please note that this solution is specific to Windows operating systems. If you are using a different operating system, you may need to use a different method to run your Laravel application in the background.

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