John Davidson

php - how can i ban specific numbers from a .txt file?


I made a text file named ben.txt and there are some numbers line by line, for example 123456 so i want, whenever someone type !check 123456 so they should get message like Number Banned
I Made a code But it doesn't working

My Code

$been = file_get_contents(ben.txt);
$isbanned = false;
foreach ($been as $bb) {
if(strpos($message, "!sa $bb") ===0) $isbanned = true;
sendMessage($chatId, "<b>Number Banned!</b>");

My Answer:
Here is a corrected version of your code:

$numbers = file('ben.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$isBanned = false;

foreach ($numbers as $number) {
if (strpos($message, "!check $number") === 0) {
$isBanned = true;

if ($isBanned) {
sendMessage($chatId, "Number Banned!");

In this code, we are reading the numbers from the `ben.txt` file line by line and checking if the user input matches any of the banned numbers. If a match is found, we set the `$isBanned` variable to true and send a message to the user indicating that the number is banned.

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