I want to display the last conversation (messages) between a user and other users along with the name and profile picture of the other user. Whatsapp and Messenger homepages are typical examples of what I want to achieve.
I have 2 tables: users and chat tables
users table
user_id username photo
1 elexis img
2 rooney img
3 wayne img
chat table
id user_id friend_id message msg_time
1 1 2 hello 21-08-19 04:00
2 2 1 i'm good 21-08-19 04:00
3 3 1 hey 21-08-19 04:00
The expected result for elexis should be:
1 2 I'm good **promise** img 21-08-19 04:00
1 3 hey **wayne** img 21-08-19 04:00
The expected result for promise should be:
1 2 I'm good **elexis** img 21-08-19 04:00
However, what I am getting is:
1 2 hello **promise** img 21-08-19 04:00
2 1 hello **elexis** img 21-08-19 04:00
2 1 I'm good **promise** img 21-08-19 04:00
1 2 I'm good **elexis** img 21-08-19 04:00
3 1 hey **wayne** img 21-08-19 04:00
1 3 hey **elexis** img 21-08-19 04:00
My code is thus:
SELECT c.*, u.username,
FROM users u
SELECT user_id, friend_id,id, message
FROM chat
WHERE user_id = 1 OR friend_id = 1
UNION SELECT friend_id, user_id,id, message
FROM chat
WHERE friend_id = 2 OR user_id = 2
ON c.friend_id = u.user_id
My Answer:
To achieve the desired result of displaying the last messages of all users, you can modify your SQL query as follows:
SELECT c.id, c.user_id, c.friend_id, c.message, c.msg_time, u.username, u.photo AS profile_picture
FROM chat c
INNER JOIN users u ON (c.friend_id = u.user_id)
WHERE c.id IN (
FROM chat
WHERE user_id = 1 OR friend_id = 1
GROUP BY user_id, friend_id
In this query:
1. We select the necessary columns from the `chat` table and join it with the `users` table based on the `friend_id`.
2. We filter the messages to only include the last message for each user by using a subquery that selects the maximum `id` for each user.
3. We order the results by the `id` in descending order to display the latest messages first.
This query should give you the expected result of displaying the last messages of all users along with the name and profile picture of the other user.
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