John Davidson

php - How can I generate a unique foreign key while seeding, using Laravel 7?


I've got these two tables linked with a one to one relation. How should the seeders be if I want unique foreign keys in sponsored apartments table?

Model table Apartments:

public function sponsoredapartment() {

return $this -> hasOne(SponsoredApartment::class);

Model table Sponsored Apartments

public function apartment() {

return $this -> belongsTo(Apartment::class);

Migrations Apartments

Schema::create('apartments', function (Blueprint $table) {

$table -> string('title')->required();
$table -> string('rooms')->required();
$table -> integer('bed');
$table -> integer('bathroom');
$table -> integer('area');
$table -> string('address');
$table -> string('url_img');
$table -> string('features');

$table -> bigInteger('landlord_id')->index()->unsigned();


Migrations Sponsored Apartments

    Schema::create('sponsored_apartments', function (Blueprint $table) {

$table -> id();

$table -> date('expired_date');
$table -> bigInteger('apartment_id') -> unsigned() -> index();
$table -> bigInteger('sponsor_id') -> unsigned() -> index();

$table -> timestamps();

My Answer:
To generate unique foreign keys while seeding in Laravel 7, you can use the Faker library to generate random data for your seeders. Here's an example of how you can generate unique foreign keys for the sponsored apartments table:

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use App\Apartment;
use App\SponsoredApartment;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
public function run()
// Seed apartments
factory(Apartment::class, 10)->create()->each(function ($apartment) {
// Seed sponsored apartments with unique foreign keys
'apartment_id' => $apartment->id,
'sponsor_id' => rand(1, 10) // Generate a random sponsor_id

In this example, we are using the `factory` method to create 10 apartments and then for each apartment, we are creating a sponsored apartment with a unique foreign key for the `apartment_id` and a random `sponsor_id`.

Make sure to define the factories for both the Apartment and SponsoredApartment models to generate the required data for seeding. You can define the factories in the `database/factories` directory.

After defining the factories, you can run the seeder using the `php artisan db:seed` command to populate your database with the seeded data.

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