John Davidson

php - How to calculate the value of checked box?


I have table which contain following data structure:

ID payroll_cat_name payroll_cat_code category_type amount
1 Provident Fund PF dedution 1000
2 Basic Pay BC earning 35000
3 Travelling TA earning 6500
4 Home Allowance HM earning 12000
5 Tax TX dedution 500

My Answer:
To calculate the value of the checked box, you can use JavaScript to loop through all the checkboxes and calculate the total amount based on the checked checkboxes.

Here is an example code snippet to achieve this:


Calculate Total Amount

ID payroll_cat_name payroll_cat_code category_type amount Check
1 Provident Fund PF dedution 1000
2 Basic Pay BC earning 35000
3 Travelling TA earning 6500
4 Home Allowance HM earning 12000
5 Tax TX dedution 500

Total Amount: 0

In this code snippet, we have created a table with checkboxes for each row. When the "Calculate Total" button is clicked, the `calculateTotal` function is called which loops through all the checkboxes and adds up the values of the checked checkboxes to calculate the total amount. The total amount is then displayed in the `` element with the id "totalAmount".

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