i have a layout that shows all the orders placed in which i have record of paid and remaining amount also , so i am trying to display the background color of rows as red if remaining field data is more than 0 for this i am trying this method
public function noBalance() {
return Order::where('remaining', '>', 0)->first();
i am creating this in model file of Order
also tried this
return Order::where('remaining', '>', 0);
@foreach ($orders as $order)
<tr style="{{ $order->noBalance() ? 'background-color: lightcoral;' : '' }}">
(here i am using that function in my allorder.blade.php)
<td><a href="/orders/{{$order->id}}">Detail</a></td>
<td><a href="/orders/{{$order->id}}/edit">Edit</a></td>
but after using this all the rows of my table gets light coral not only the rows with the remaining >0
please help!
My Answer:
You are close, but the issue is with your `noBalance()` method in the Order model. Instead of using `first()`, you should use `get()` to retrieve all the rows where the remaining field is greater than 0.
Here is the updated `noBalance()` method in your Order model:
public function noBalance() {
return Order::where('remaining', '>', 0)->get();
Then in your blade file, you can check if the current order is in the list returned by `noBalance()` method:
@foreach ($orders as $order)
This way, only the rows with remaining value greater than 0 will have a light coral background color.
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