I want to create a web service like getmoretracks.com tracktaco.com or ecomhutsy.com in these websites they find valid FedEx trackings by zip code, city, or state and also filter results by shipping status in-transit or delivered and shipping and delivery date ranges so I created FedEx developer account and API keys but not found any API like the given criteria can someone help me to reach how getmoretracks.com tracktaco.com or ecomhutsy.com these websites works or find trackings so I can also build software where I can search for trackings by date ranges and zip codes.
Thanks in advance.
My Answer:
To generate FedEx tracking numbers using APIs, you can use the FedEx Tracking API provided by FedEx. Here is a general outline of how you can achieve this:
1. Sign up for a FedEx developer account and obtain your API keys.
2. Use the FedEx Tracking API to retrieve tracking information for a specific tracking number.
3. You can also use the API to search for tracking numbers based on criteria such as zip code, city, state, shipping status, and date ranges.
4. Implement the API calls in your web service to retrieve and display the tracking information on your website.
Unfortunately, FedEx does not provide an API specifically for generating tracking numbers. However, you can use the FedEx Tracking API to retrieve tracking information for existing tracking numbers.
If you need further assistance with implementing the FedEx Tracking API in your web service, you can refer to the FedEx Developer Resource Center for documentation and support.
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