I have hasMany relationship in my User model;
* Get the posts for the users.
public function posts()
return $this->hasMany(Posts::class); //foreign key assigned by user_id
I need to get a foreign id in Eloquent data
use App\Models\User;
$posts = User::find(1)->posts;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
//for example
$foreign_key = $posts->foreign_key;
echo "all posts collection assigned foreign key is; ".$foreign_key;
Expected output;
How can I get the foreign key?
My Answer:
You can access the foreign key value from the eloquent collection by using the relationship method. In your case, you can access the foreign key value like this:
$posts = User::find(1)->posts;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$foreign_key = $post->user_id; // Assuming user_id is the foreign key column
echo "Foreign key for post: " . $foreign_key;
This code will loop through each post in the collection and retrieve the foreign key value from the post object. In this example, I assumed that the foreign key column in the Posts table is named `user_id`. You can replace `user_id` with the actual foreign key column name in your database.
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