John Davidson

php - how to get specific key and its value from object


How do I get specific key and its value from object?

Example I have output of my query:

"attribute_summary":"Color: Red",
"value":"278 x 138 x 80 mm"
"value":"1m2 \/ 26tk"
"value":"8,6 m2 \/ 224 tk \/ 1350 kg"
"value":"1200 x 1200 mm"

And I know if I query like this $product->attribute_summary; I can get data Color: Red

But How do I get data of meta_data? Like need to get key _alus_al and its value displayed.

My Answer:
You can access the meta_data array and loop through it to find the specific key and its value. Here is an example code snippet:

foreach($product->meta_data as $data){
if($data->key == '_alus_al'){
echo $data->value;

This code will loop through the meta_data array and check if the key is equal to '_alus_al'. If it is, it will echo the corresponding value.

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