John Davidson

php - How to retrieve specific column value from foreign key table?


There are two Models. One is TradeLicence and another is BusinessCategory.
I have already established relationship between them. In TradeLicence there is a foreign key category_id which local key is id of BusinessCategory.

Trade Licence Model

class TradeLicence extends Model
use SoftDeletes;

protected $fillable = ['slug', 'name', 'category_id'];

public function businessCategories()
return $this->belongsTo(BusinessCategory::class,'category_id','id');


trade_licences migration Table:

    class CreateTradeLicencesTable extends Migration

public function up()
Schema::create('trade_licences', function (Blueprint $table) {



Business Category Model:

class BusinessCategory extends Model
use SoftDeletes;

protected $fillable = ['slug', 'name', 'fees'];

business_categories migration table:

class CreateBusinessCategoriesTable extends Migration


public function up()
Schema::create('business_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {



For adding a "Trade Licence", I need to select a "Business Category" and it stores the value
incategory_id column of trade_licencestable. I'm able to retrieve the name and fees value through the relationship inside TradeLicense model.

The problem is:

There is a another Model named DailyEarning. The show() method of DailyEarningController will display fees amount (fee of selected category, which was selected at the time of creating a new trade licence) and created_at and updated_at value of each Trade License.

My Question is:

How to get the values of fees, created_at and updated_at or which Query should I use to retrieve the values by using "Eloquent"?

My Answer:
You can retrieve the values of fees, created_at, and updated_at from the BusinessCategory and TradeLicence models using Eloquent relationships. Here's how you can do it:

In your DailyEarning model, define a relationship with the TradeLicence model:

class DailyEarning extends Model
public function tradeLicence()
return $this->belongsTo(TradeLicence::class);

Then, in your DailyEarningController's show() method, you can retrieve the fees, created_at, and updated_at values like this:

public function show($id)
$dailyEarning = DailyEarning::findOrFail($id);

$fees = $dailyEarning->tradeLicence->businessCategories->fees;
$created_at = $dailyEarning->tradeLicence->created_at;
$updated_at = $dailyEarning->tradeLicence->updated_at;

return view('', compact('fees', 'created_at', 'updated_at'));

This code will retrieve the fees, created_at, and updated_at values from the related BusinessCategory and TradeLicence models for the specified DailyEarning record.

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