John Davidson

php - How to setup webhook for paypal sandbox account?


I have been trying to test webhook on PayPal sandbox account, But it is not working for me,

  • I did set up a sandbox account

  • I did set up developer, personal & business accounts

  • I did create an app and enable webhook with a valid HTTPS URL and listing "All Events"

  • I did set up the receiver URL with plain logic to out the POST values.

$raw_post_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/webhooklog.txt',print_r($raw_post_data,true),FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

Please help me with the webhook listener script. And on setting up the webhooks.

I want to set up a webhook mainly for subscription payments. I am using PHP for coding.

My Answer:
To set up a webhook for PayPal sandbox account, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a PHP script to act as the webhook listener. This script will receive the webhook notifications from PayPal and process them accordingly. Here is an example of a simple webhook listener script:


$raw_post_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/webhooklog.txt', print_r($raw_post_data, true), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

// Process the webhook data here


Save this script as `webhook_listener.php`.

2. Upload the `webhook_listener.php` script to a publicly accessible HTTPS URL. This URL will be used as the receiver URL when setting up the webhook in your PayPal developer account.

3. Log in to your PayPal developer account and navigate to the Dashboard.

4. Under the "My Apps & Credentials" section, select the app you created for your sandbox account.

5. Click on the "Webhooks" tab and then click on "Add Webhook".

6. Enter the HTTPS URL of your webhook listener script in the "URL" field.

7. Select "All Events" from the "Event Types" dropdown.

8. Click on "Save" to save the webhook settings.

9. Test the webhook by making a subscription payment in your sandbox account. Check the `webhooklog.txt` file to see if the webhook notifications are being received and processed correctly.

That's it! You have now set up a webhook for your PayPal sandbox account using PHP. Make sure to handle the webhook data appropriately in your `webhook_listener.php` script to perform any necessary actions based on the received notifications.

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