John Davidson

php - how to simplify if elseif statement to get particular search data from laravel MySQL database


I am collecting all the data like id, name, date, empid from the controller in variable data

$data = $request->all();

now i want to select all the rows from the mysql table base on the input value i receive from request like this.

if no value is given then select all from DB

if ($data['keyvalue'] == '' && $data['datefrom'] =='' && $data['dateto'] =='' && $data['prepid'] =='' ){

$country = country::get();

if only certain input value is given

elseif ($data['keyvalue'] !== '' && $data['datefrom'] =='' && $data['dateto'] =='' && $data['prepid'] =='' ){

$country = country::where('sr_status','LIKE','%'.$data['status'].'%')

}elseif ($data['keyvalue'] == '' && $data['datefrom'] !=='' && $data['dateto'] =='' && $data['prepid'] =='' ){

$country = country::where('sr_status','LIKE','%'.$data['status'].'%')

}elseif ($data['keyvalue'] == '' && $data['datefrom'] =='' && $data['dateto'] !=='' && $data['prepid'] =='' ){

$country = country::where('sr_status','LIKE','%'.$data['status'].'%')

}elseif ($data['keyvalue'] == '' && $data['datefrom'] =='' && $data['dateto'] =='' && $data['prepid'] !=='' ){

$country = country::where('sr_status','LIKE','%'.$data['status'].'%')


and if all input value is given

elseif ($data['keyvalue'] !== '' && $data['datefrom'] !=='' && $data['dateto'] !=='' && $data['prepid'] !=='' ){ 

$country = country::where('sr_status','LIKE','%'.$data['status'].'%')

everything working fine i just want to simplify this code..

My Answer:
You can simplify the if elseif statements by using Laravel's query builder methods dynamically based on the input values. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

$query = country::where('sr_status','LIKE','%'.$data['status'].'%');

if ($data['keyvalue'] !== '') {
$query->where(function($q) use ($data) {

if ($data['datefrom'] !== '') {

if ($data['dateto'] !== '') {

if ($data['prepid'] !== '') {

$country = $query->orderBy('sr_id')->get();

This way, you can dynamically build the query based on the input values without the need for multiple if elseif statements.

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