The json column in the database has a data like this:
{"data": {"total":15,"time":25}}
This is the data I want to update within it:
But when updating the data via Laravel like this:
$json_data = json_encode(['total' => 22, ...]);
$table->where->update(['column->data' => $json_data])
the result is as follows:
{"data": "{\"total\":22,\"time\":5}"}
When I pass the array without json_encode
ing it, it raises an error instead.
How can I assign a non-primitive value directly to a property in a JSON field?
My Answer:
To update a JSON field in a database with a non-primitive value, you can use the `->jsonSet()` method provided by Laravel's Eloquent ORM. Here's an example of how you can update the JSON field with the desired data:
$json_data = ['total' => 22, 'time' => 5];
$table->where(...)->update(['column->data' => $table->getConnection()->raw('JSON_SET(column->data, "$.total", ?, "$.time", ?)', [$json_data['total'], $json_data['time']])]);
In this code snippet, we are using the `JSON_SET` function provided by MySQL to update the JSON field with the new data. The `getConnection()->raw()` method allows us to execute raw SQL queries within Laravel's Eloquent ORM.
Make sure to replace `...` with the appropriate conditions for updating the record in the database.
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