John Davidson

php - How to use text stroke effect in image intervention?


I am using the Image Intervention package to print text on image. But I want this kind of stroke to be the same as this sample image. How to do that?

My Answer:
To achieve a text stroke effect in Image Intervention, you can use the `textOutline()` method along with the `text()` method. Here's an example code snippet to add text with a stroke effect to an image:

use Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic;

// Load the image
$image = ImageManagerStatic::make('path/to/your/image.jpg');

// Add text with stroke effect
$image->text('Your Text Here', 100, 100, function($font) {
$font->textOutline(2, '#000000'); // Set the stroke width and color

// Save the image

In the above code, the `textOutline()` method is used to set the stroke width and color for the text. You can adjust the values as needed to achieve the desired stroke effect.

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