I receive an ad and I have to format the French phone number, which must not exceed 10 characters and contain only numbers. In case the criteria are not met I would like to return null.
I am not satisfied with my solution, would you have a simpler solution?
function formatAds(array $ad): array
$ad['last_name'] = ucfirst($ad['last_name']);
$ad['first_name'] = ucfirst($ad['first_name']);
$phoneNumber = str_replace(' ', '', $ad['phone_number']);
$ad['phone_number'] = is_numeric($phoneNumber) && strlen($phoneNumber) === 10 ? $phoneNumber : null;
return $ad;
$ad = [
"last_name" => "foo",
"first_name" => "bar",
"phone_number" => "04 55 66 77 11",
You can see the code here: https://3v4l.org/PdTRG
My Answer:
Here is a simpler solution for the field validation in your code:
function formatAds(array $ad): array
$ad['last_name'] = ucfirst($ad['last_name']);
$ad['first_name'] = ucfirst($ad['first_name']);
$phoneNumber = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $ad['phone_number']); // Remove all non-numeric characters
$ad['phone_number'] = (strlen($phoneNumber) === 10) ? $phoneNumber : null;
return $ad;
$ad = [
"last_name" => "foo",
"first_name" => "bar",
"phone_number" => "04 55 66 77 11",
This solution uses a regular expression to remove all non-numeric characters from the phone number before checking its length. This makes the code more concise and easier to read.
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