I'm using PHP to convert JSON data into an excel file without the HTML tags. everything works fine but some fields [ex:field_hcpg] include links and it was removed. below my try to remove all the HTML tags except links with no luck.
please advise how to solve this issue.
below code move all HTML tags
fputcsv($fh,["title", "field_tags","field_risk_minimization_type","field_drug_class","field_hcpg","field_patient_card","field_risk_1","field_risk_minimization_type_1", "field_tags_1", "field_specialty_theraputic_area_","field_healthcare_provider_checkl","field_dhpc" ]);
if (is_array($jsonDecoded)) {
foreach ($jsonDecoded as $line) {
if (is_array($line)) {
$data = array_map( 'strip_tags', $line);
this script is my try to keep only the link
fputcsv($fh,["title", "field_tags","field_risk_minimization_type","field_drug_class","field_hcpg","field_patient_card","field_risk_1","field_risk_minimization_type_1", "field_tags_1", "field_specialty_theraputic_area_","field_healthcare_provider_checkl","field_dhpc" ]);
if (is_array($jsonDecoded)) {
foreach ($jsonDecoded as $line) {
if (is_array($line)) {
$data = array_map( 'strip_tags', $line, ['<a>']);
$data = preg_replace('~<a href="(https?://[^"]+)".*?>.*?</a>~', '$1', $data);
$data = preg_replace('~<a href="(?!https?://)[^"]+">(.*?)</a>~', '$1', $data);
The result of the last script is, which is wrong because I need to show the file url from the href tag
My Answer:
To keep the file links while using the strip_tags function, you can use a combination of strip_tags and preg_replace functions. Here's an updated version of your code that should achieve the desired result:
fputcsv($fh, ["title", "field_tags", "field_risk_minimization_type", "field_drug_class", "field_hcpg", "field_patient_card", "field_risk_1", "field_risk_minimization_type_1", "field_tags_1", "field_specialty_theraputic_area", "field_healthcare_provider_checkl", "field_dhpc"]);
if (is_array($jsonDecoded)) {
foreach ($jsonDecoded as $line) {
if (is_array($line)) {
$data = array_map(function($value) {
// Keep links while stripping other tags
$value = strip_tags($value, '');
// Extract the URL from the link
preg_match('/]*?\s+)?href=([\'"])(.*?)\1/', $value, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[2])) {
$value = $matches[2];
return $value;
}, $line);
fputcsv($fh, $data);
In this updated code, we use a custom function inside array_map to strip all tags except for the `` tag. We then use a regular expression to extract the URL from the `` tag and replace the value with the URL if it exists. This way, the file links will be preserved in the output CSV file.
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