John Davidson

php - Laravel Dump, Die dd() not showing the full result


I have noticed that when i use dd() in my Laravel application with a big amount of data thet the result is shown like this [...2] isted of being able to show the actual array

if I load only a small amount of data this does not happen, any solution to allow me to load the full data?

My Answer:
One solution to this issue is to use the `dump()` function instead of `dd()`. The `dump()` function will output the data without stopping the execution of the script, allowing you to see the full result.

Another option is to use the `var_dump()` function, which will also output the data without stopping the script. However, the output of `var_dump()` may not be as nicely formatted as the output of `dd()` or `dump()`.

You can also try increasing the `xdebug.max_nesting_level` in your php.ini file to a higher value. This will allow `dd()` to display more nested levels of data.

Lastly, you can use the `json_encode()` function to convert the data to a JSON string before outputting it with `dd()`. This can help in cases where the data is too large to be displayed properly.

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