John Davidson

php - Laravel: problems with rendering sections (->renderSections) and content section


it seems quite simple. i have a controller, a class/object and a view for it (show/edit). and i want to render this view in an overview/listing.therefore i have to extract the the 'content' section.



Content of the object

so i use in the overview template (overview.blade.php) the following code

$sections = View::make('demo')->renderSections();

what happens? the content here overwrites everything in the section (content) of the overview.blade.php

i also tried to take another name for the section like 'contentnew' and than ! it works.

so my questions?

  • should it work with section 'content'? or do i understand something wrong with the template engine?

  • why is 'content' handled different than contentnew. simple because it is not parse?

thanks for any help.


My Answer:
It should work with the section name 'content' in your demo.blade.php file. The issue you are facing might be due to the way you are rendering the sections in your overview.blade.php file.

Instead of using View::make('demo')->renderSections(), you can directly render the view with the section like this:

echo view('demo')->renderSections()['content'];

This should render the 'content' section of your demo.blade.php file without overwriting the content of the 'content' section in your overview.blade.php file.

If you still face issues, make sure that you are not accidentally overwriting the 'content' section in your overview.blade.php file before rendering the 'content' section from the demo.blade.php file.

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