John Davidson

php - Laravel Recaptcha v3 returns nothing


I am trying to add a recaptcha to one of my forms and I have no clue why it is no working.

In my form

... form ...
@if($settings->recaptcha_enabled && !empty($settings->recaptcha_site_key) && !empty($settings->recaptcha_secret_key))
{!! Form::hidden('g-recaptcha-response', null, [ 'id' => 'recaptcha', 'data-sitekey' => $settings->recaptcha_site_key]) !!}
... form ...

On the bottom of my page (the output is in HTML and has proper values as site key etc, so the condition is not a problem)

@if($settings->recaptcha_enabled && !empty($settings->recaptcha_site_key) && !empty($settings->recaptcha_secret_key))
<script src="{!! $settings->recaptcha_site_key !!}"></script>

function onClick(e) {
grecaptcha.ready(function() {
grecaptcha.execute('{!! $settings->recaptcha_site_key !!}', {action: 'submit'}).then(function(token) {
if (token) {
document.getElementById('recaptcha').value = token;

I can see a recaptcha badge on the bottom right corner so I suppose It has been loaded properly.

But when I click the submit form (with preserve log and enabled logging on the server) I am receiving NULL in g-recaptcha-response object. I´ve been looking for that hidden input change (there should be some addition of some token right before submitting the form I suppose) but that input wont change.

I am not posting here my backend part of validation (which should be pretty easy) because I have not managed the first part- getting recaptcha token from FE at first time.

My Answer:
It looks like you are missing the `onClick` function call in your form submit button. You need to call the `onClick` function when the form is submitted in order to execute the reCAPTCHA and get the token.

You can add the `onClick` function to your form submit button like this:


This way, when the form is submitted, the `onClick` function will be called and the reCAPTCHA token will be retrieved and added to the hidden input field before the form is actually submitted.

Make sure to add this `onClick` function call to your form submit button and try submitting the form again. This should solve the issue of not getting the reCAPTCHA token in the `g-recaptcha-response` object.

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