John Davidson

php - Laravel Sail - Why do I get the laravel project directory when I access the localhost?


this is a fresh install laravel app. Any idea why it shows the project directory instead of the laravel welcome view when accessing http://localhost in the browser?

What I've tried:

  • I've restarted the app several times.

  • I also try to use laravel built-in server by running sail php artisan serve but no luck.

What I haven't tried:

  • Check apache2 configuration

Should I also file this to the laravel repository on Github?

My Answer:
It sounds like the issue might be related to the configuration of your web server. Laravel Sail uses Docker containers to run your Laravel application, so it's possible that the web server configuration is not set up correctly to serve the Laravel application.

One thing you can try is to check the configuration of the web server within the Docker container. You can access the Docker container running your Laravel application by running the following command:

sail shell

This will open a shell within the Docker container. From there, you can check the configuration files of the web server (e.g. Apache or Nginx) to ensure that they are correctly set up to serve the Laravel application.

If you are still unable to resolve the issue, you can consider filing a bug report on the Laravel repository on Github. The Laravel community is very active and helpful, so you may be able to get some assistance there as well.

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