Please help me to simplify Laravel eloquent query. Is there a way to make it more simple, please suggest because I have a couple of these in my code or suggest me any strategy to make it simpler?
if(! empty($has_due_date)) {
$resourceQuery->whereHas('stages', function ($query) use ($has_due_date) {
$query->whereHas('groups', function ($query) use ($has_due_date) {
$query->whereHas('tasks', function ($query) use ($has_due_date){
if ($has_duedate == 'yes'){
}else if($has_duedate == 'no'){
My Answer:
You can simplify the above query by using the `when` method in Laravel Eloquent. Here's how you can rewrite the query:
$resourceQuery->whereHas('stages.groups.tasks', function ($query) use ($has_due_date) {
$query->when($has_due_date == 'yes', function ($query) {
})->when($has_due_date == 'no', function ($query) {
This way, you can avoid nesting multiple `whereHas` functions and make the query more readable and maintainable.
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