John Davidson

php - num rows in single query


I have two tables and I want to count the number of rows in a single query.

Here is what I have so far and is working but has multiple query's and is not ok.

PHP Code:

     $q1=$db->query("SELECT id FROM edev_useri");
$q2=$db->query("SELECT groupid FROM edev_useri WHERE groupid = 6");
$q3=$db->query("SELECT groupid FROM edev_useri WHERE groupid = 7");
$q4=$db->query("SELECT id FROM edev_cereri");
$useri = $db->numRows($q1);
$dev = $db->numRows($q2);
$ben = $db->numRows($q3);
$cereri = $db->numRows($q4);
$dashStats = array(
'useri' => $useri,
'dev' => $dev,
'ben' => $ben,
'cereri' => $cereri
$json_data = array('dashStats' => $data);
echo json_encode($json_data);

My Answer:
To count the number of rows in a single query for multiple tables, you can use a single query with multiple subqueries. Here is an example:

$query = $db->query("
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM edev_useri) as useri,
(SELECT COUNT(groupid) FROM edev_useri WHERE groupid = 6) as dev,
(SELECT COUNT(groupid) FROM edev_useri WHERE groupid = 7) as ben,
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM edev_cereri) as cereri

$row = $query->fetch_assoc();

$dashStats = array(
'useri' => $row['useri'],
'dev' => $row['dev'],
'ben' => $row['ben'],
'cereri' => $row['cereri']

$json_data = array('dashStats' => $dashStats);
echo json_encode($json_data);

This query will count the number of rows in each table and for specific conditions in a single query and return the results in a JSON format.

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