John Davidson

php - Override name in variable


I have a function

public function saveImage(Request $request, $requestField, $path) {
if ($request->hasFile($requestField)) {

$image_path = public_path($this->{ $requestField });

if (File::exists($image_path)) {

$file = $request->file($requestField);
$uploadname = $this->getUploadName($file);
$pathFull = public_path($path);
if (!File::exists($pathFull, 0775, true)) {
File::makeDirectory($pathFull, 0775, true);
Image::make($file)->save($pathFull. $requestField. '-'. $uploadname);
$this->{ $requestField } = $path. $requestField. '-'. $uploadname;

return $file;

return false;

Next I call this function

$file = $article->saveImage($request, 'image_detail', '/storage/article/' .$article->id. '/');

The question now is, I have a $requestField, which now has the value 'image_detail'

it should have this meaning everywhere, except for these lines

$pathFull. $requestField. '-'. $uploadname
$path. $requestField. '-'. $uploadname

I want the field $requestField to be converted to such a value 'image-detail', that is, to replace the underscore '_' with a dash '-', is it possible to do this at all in this function only for separate lines?

My Answer:
Yes, it is possible to override the value of $requestField for specific lines in the function. You can create a new variable within the function and use it for those specific lines. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

public function saveImage(Request $request, $requestField, $path) {
$modifiedRequestField = str_replace('_', '-', $requestField);

if ($request->hasFile($requestField)) {

$image_path = public_path($this->{$requestField});

if (File::exists($image_path)) {

$file = $request->file($requestField);
$uploadname = $this->getUploadName($file);
$pathFull = public_path($path);
if (!File::exists($pathFull, 0775, true)) {
File::makeDirectory($pathFull, 0775, true);
Image::make($file)->save($pathFull. $modifiedRequestField. '-'. $uploadname);
$this->{$requestField} = $path. $modifiedRequestField. '-'. $uploadname;

return $file;

return false;

In this updated function, we have added a new variable $modifiedRequestField which replaces underscores with dashes in the $requestField value. We then use $modifiedRequestField in the specific lines where we want the value to be converted.

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