John Davidson

php - Parse error: syntax error within the If statement


So if I have been trying to create an If statement in my HTML PHP file where it should display as "N/A" if the 'Workshop_Contact'=="0".

I've tried some ways but seems like I couldn't find the solution

Here is the line code:

<h4 class="card-title text-danger">Contact:
if ($row['Workshop_Contact']==0){
echo "N/A";
echo "0" . $row['Workshop_Contact'];

My Answer:
The issue in your code is that you are using the short echo syntax `` with an if statement inside it. This is not allowed in PHP.

You can fix this by using a ternary operator instead. Here is the corrected code:



This code uses the ternary operator to check if `Workshop_Contact` is equal to 0. If it is, it will display "N/A", otherwise it will display "0" followed by the value of `Workshop_Contact`.

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