John Davidson

PHP: Question of static arrays inside functions


This is unrelated to OOP. All I want to know is how practical is using static arrays in functions and does it impact performance in the same way as if they were re-initialized every time on function call or actually less?


function color($key)
static $arr = ["Blue", "Green", "Red", "Yellow"];
return $arr[$key];

My Answer:
"red" => "FF0000",
"blue" => "0000FF",
"green" => "00FF00"

return $arr[$key];

echo color("red"); // Output: FF0000
echo color("blue"); // Output: 0000FF
echo color("green"); // Output: 00FF00

Using static arrays in functions can be practical in certain situations, especially when you want to store data that doesn't change frequently and you want to avoid re-initializing the array every time the function is called.

In terms of performance, using static arrays can be more efficient than re-initializing the array every time the function is called because the array is only initialized once and then reused on subsequent calls. This can save some processing time and memory allocation compared to re-initializing the array every time.

However, it's important to note that using static arrays can also have some drawbacks, such as potential issues with concurrency and thread safety. If multiple threads or processes are accessing the same function that uses a static array, there could be unexpected behavior or data corruption.

Overall, using static arrays in functions can be a practical and efficient way to store data that doesn't change frequently, but it's important to consider the potential drawbacks and limitations when using them in your code.

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