I Have a problem with laravel websockets .
I'm trying to run websocket server using Artisan call like this :
but it didn't work (returned request timeout) knowing that it works correctly when i run :
php artisan websockets:serve
Here are some illustrations :
still like that then give me request timeout .
My Answer:
It seems like the issue might be related to running the command through Artisan in your code. When you run `Artisan::call('websockets:serve');`, it might not be able to properly start the websocket server.
One possible solution is to use the `exec()` function in PHP to run the command directly in the terminal. You can try something like this:
exec('php artisan websockets:serve');
This should run the websocket server in the terminal and hopefully resolve the timeout issue you are facing.
Additionally, make sure that your server environment allows for running websocket servers and that the necessary ports are open for websocket communication. You may need to check your server configuration to ensure that everything is set up correctly for running websockets.
If you continue to experience issues, you may want to consult the Laravel Websockets documentation or reach out to the Laravel community for further assistance.
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