My login redirect returns an empty $_SESSION variable when i run my application with the local ip-address: php -S 10.x.x.2:8080. In the tmp file, the session variable is created. P.S
I realize that there are more than 1 session variable been created.
public static function setUser($id)
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $id;
public static function getUserId()
return empty($_SESSION['user_id']) ? null : (int)$_SESSION['user_id'];
My Answer:
When running your application with a local IP address (e.g. 10.x.x.2), the session cookie might not be set properly due to security restrictions in the browser. This can cause the session variables to not be retained between requests.
To resolve this issue, you can try setting the session cookie domain explicitly in your PHP code. You can do this by adding the following line before starting the session:
session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '10.x.x.2');
This will set the session cookie domain to the local IP address, ensuring that the session variables are retained properly. Additionally, make sure that you are starting the session before setting or accessing session variables in your code.
If the issue persists, you may also need to check your server configuration and ensure that session handling is properly configured. This can include checking the session save path, session cookie settings, and any other relevant PHP configuration settings.
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of session variables getting lost when serving your application with a local IP address.
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