John Davidson

php - Show Name Instead of ID from Different Table


I have a 2 tables:

  • Category with Primary Key ID and column Name

  • Employee with Primary Key ID and column Category_id

Note: Category_id now displays ID correctly

I want to show Name instead of ID for output from Employee.


$categ = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE id = '" . $_GET['id'] . "'");
$rows = array();

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($categ)) {
$website_cat = $row;

Category Table:

| ID | Name |
| 23 | Manager |
| 10 | Boss |
| 14 | Worker |
| 41 | Another |

Employee Table:

| ID | Category_id |
| 1 | Manager |
| 2 | Boss |
| 3 | Worker |
| 4 | Another |


echo $website_cat['category_id'];

My Answer:
To show the name instead of the ID from the Category table in the output, you need to join the Employee table with the Category table based on the Category_id. Here is an example query that you can use:

$categ = mysql_query("SELECT e.ID, c.Name as Category_Name FROM employee e
JOIN category c ON e.Category_id = c.ID
WHERE e.ID = '" . $_GET['id'] . "'");
$rows = array();

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($categ)) {
$website_cat = $row;

echo $website_cat['Category_Name'];

This query will fetch the Category Name from the Category table based on the Category_id in the Employee table and display it in the output.

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