John Davidson

php - Signed URL for subdomain in Laravel 8


I'm trying to generate URLs signed in Laravel 8 so that the application's clients can cancel the event without needing access. I'm using multi-tenant with two subdomains and However, Laravel generates signed URLs only for the main domain. Is there any way to change Laravel's behavior to understand and generate a signed URL for the subdomains?

public function generateLink($id, $username, $whatsapp)
return Url::temporarySignedRoute('confirmpage', now()->addMinutes(20), [
'id' => $id,
'user' => $username,
'whatsapp' => $whatsapp

My Answer:
To generate signed URLs for subdomains in Laravel 8, you can modify the `config/session.php` file to include the subdomain in the `domain` configuration.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Open the `config/session.php` file in your Laravel project.

2. Find the `domain` key in the `config/session.php` file and update it to include the subdomain. For example, you can set it to `` to include all subdomains under ``.

'domain' => env('SESSION_DOMAIN', ''),

3. Save the changes to the `config/session.php` file.

4. Now, when you generate a signed URL using the `Url::temporarySignedRoute` method, Laravel will generate a signed URL that includes the subdomain.

public function generateLink($id, $username, $whatsapp)
return Url::temporarySignedRoute('confirmpage', now()->addMinutes(20), [
'id' => $id,
'user' => $username,
'whatsapp' => $whatsapp

With this configuration, Laravel will generate signed URLs that work for subdomains as well.

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