I want to implement chain of responsibility pattern for authorization in my app. I have created four different chain services for authorization and they depends on which routes user want to access. I have a problem with chaining services. I want to chain services without explicitly naming them. For example:
class Authorization1:
public function auth($request){
if (isThisRoute){
I want to know how can i replace last line: $this->authorization2->authorize($request);
with $this->chain->authorize($request);
so chain of responsibility pattern can be implemented completly.
My Answer:
To achieve this, you can use Symfony's dependency injection container to inject the chain of services into your Authorization1 class. Here's an example of how you can do this:
1. Define your services in the services.yaml file:
class: App\Service\Authorization1
$chain: '@authorization2'
class: App\Service\Authorization2
$chain: '@authorization3'
class: App\Service\Authorization3
$chain: '@authorization4'
class: App\Service\Authorization4
2. Update your Authorization1 class to accept the chain of services as a constructor argument:
namespace App\Service;
class Authorization1
private $chain;
public function __construct(Authorization2 $chain)
$this->chain = $chain;
public function auth($request)
if (isThisRoute) {
With this setup, Symfony will automatically inject the chain of services into your Authorization1 class, allowing you to call the next service in the chain without explicitly naming it. This way, you can easily implement the chain of responsibility pattern for authorization in your Symfony app.
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