John Davidson

php - Trying to showing data in a select with method pluck - Laravel


I'm trying to do a simple select summoning data from method pluck.

I tried to do dd($var) in the controller and the x380 data entries are receiving correctly.

Then the next error appears:

Undefined variable: valor (View: C:\laragon\www\envio-curriculum\resources\views\enviar_curriculum.blade.php)

$valor is undefined
Make the variable optional in the blade template. Replace {{ $valor }} with {{ $valor ?? '' }}

If I do this I can see the blade without errors, but in the select appears x380 void data put what I put in the option section.

What am I missing?


namespace App\Http\Controllers\enviarCurriculum;

use App\EnviarCurriculum;
use App\Configuracion;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests\StoreEnviarCurriculumPost;

class EnviarCurriculumController extends Controller
public function create()
$configuraciones = Configuracion::pluck('ID', 'variable', 'valor', 'valor_numerico', 'tabla', 'texto_largo', 'observacion');

return view('enviar_curriculum', ['EnviarCurriculum' => new EnviarCurriculum(), 'configuraciones' => $configuraciones]);

public function store(StoreEnviarCurriculumPost $request)

return back()->with('status', '¡Curriculum creado con éxito!');


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Configuracion extends Model
protected $table = 'configuracion';

protected $primaryKey = 'ID';

protected $fillable = [


<select name="titulacion" id="titulacion">
<option disabled selected value="">* Titulación mas reciente</option>
@foreach ($configuraciones as $configuracion)
<option> {{ $valor }}</option>

My Answer:
In your blade file, you are trying to access the variable $valor which is not defined in your controller. Instead, you should be accessing the values from the $configuraciones variable that you passed to the view.

You should update your blade file to access the values from the $configuraciones variable like this:


This way, you will be able to display the values from the $configuraciones variable in your select dropdown.

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