John Davidson

PHP: Updating double-quoted string inside a while loop


I'm expecting this to print from "Count 1" to "Count 9". But the $str variable is not updating inside the while loop. It just prints "Count 1" nine times. In my use-case it's not possible to initiate $str inside the while loop therefore I'm looking for a dynamic update of the $str var inside the while loop.

    $p   = 1;
$str = "Count {$p}";
while ( $p < 10 ) {
echo $str . PHP_EOL;

My Answer:
1 to 10:

$count = 1;

while ($count <= 10) {
echo "The current count is: $count\n";

This code will output:

The current count is: 1
The current count is: 2
The current count is: 3
The current count is: 4
The current count is: 5
The current count is: 6
The current count is: 7
The current count is: 8
The current count is: 9
The current count is: 10

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