John Davidson

php - Using JavaScript session in CakePHP 2


i'm trying to use Session created in javascript in controller in CakePHP 2. I create session like this:

sessionStorage.setItem('language', document.querySelector('select#langSelect').options[document.querySelector('select#langSelect').selectedIndex].value);
document.querySelector('select#langSelect').addEventListener('change', function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('language', this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);

And in javascript console it displays fine, but when i try to display it in CakePHP controller like this:


It shows that it's null. And i try to create the session in main javascript file as well as in layout, but none of it worked. And i cannot create session in controller because i need to get select value.
So could you tell me how to fix this?

My Answer:
In CakePHP, you cannot directly access the session created in JavaScript in the controller because the session data is stored on the server side and JavaScript runs on the client side.

One way to pass the session data from JavaScript to the controller is to make an AJAX request to a controller action and pass the session data as a parameter. Here's an example of how you can do this:

1. In your JavaScript file, make an AJAX request to a controller action and pass the session data as a parameter:

var language = sessionStorage.getItem('language');

url: '/controller/action',
type: 'POST',
data: { language: language },
success: function(response) {

2. In your CakePHP controller, create an action to receive the session data:

public function action() {
$language = $this->request->data['language'];
$this->Session->write('language', $language);

// You can now access the session data in the controller

// Return a response if needed
$this->autoRender = false;
echo 'Session data saved';

By making an AJAX request to the controller action, you can pass the session data from JavaScript to the controller and then access it in the controller.

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