John Davidson

php - Warning pg_execute(): Query failed: ERROR: index row size 2728 exceeds maximum 2717 for index "index_name"


New using PHP with PG functions.
Please help.

I am receiving the following warning:

Warning pg_execute(): Query failed: ERROR: index row size 2728 exceeds maximum 2717 for index "index_name".

Not sure what it means.

Code example:

$query      = pg_prepare($pgConn, "query", "UPDATE table_name SET field_name=array_cat(field_name, $1) WHERE id=$2;");
$query = pg_execute($pgConn, "query", array($param1, $param2));

I can see that index is not able to be created for that record because of the too big data, but does it mean that the data is also not stored into DB?

My Answer:
The warning you are receiving indicates that the index "index_name" has a maximum row size of 2717 bytes, but the row size of the data you are trying to insert (2728 bytes) exceeds this limit. This means that the index cannot be created for this record because it is too large.

However, this warning does not necessarily mean that the data is not being stored in the database. The data may still be inserted into the table, but the index on the field "field_name" cannot be created due to the size limitation.

To resolve this issue, you may need to review the data being inserted into the "field_name" field and consider reducing the size of the data or restructuring your database schema to accommodate larger data sizes. Additionally, you may need to adjust the index settings to allow for larger row sizes if possible.

It is also recommended to check the PostgreSQL documentation for more information on index row size limitations and how to handle them in your specific use case.

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