John Davidson

php - Where is generated items (products) table in WooCommerce


I've looked around on Google and the WooCommerce docs, but I feel like I'm not using the correct terminology here. Hopefully one of you can point me in the right direction.

I need to add a column to the cart table (not sure what it's actually called) that is populated on checkout pages, for example on the checkout/order-pay/ endpoint.

You can see an example here:

I've looked in various templates for the order, review-order, checkout, etc, but to no avail. Where is this table generated in the source code? I assume that it's part of some kind of array that gets looped through?

My Answer:
The products table in WooCommerce is generated dynamically using PHP and WooCommerce functions. The table you are referring to on the checkout page is typically generated in the `cart.php` template file located in the WooCommerce plugin directory.

You can find the `cart.php` template file in the following directory:

In this file, you will find the code that generates the table displaying the products in the cart. You can add a new column to this table by modifying the code in this file.

Keep in mind that modifying core WooCommerce files is not recommended as it can cause issues with future updates. It's better to use hooks and filters provided by WooCommerce to customize the checkout page and cart table. You can refer to the WooCommerce documentation for more information on how to use hooks and filters for customization.

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