Is it fine when i push my laravel project to gitlab that have unisharp file manager, storage folder from unisharp is not uploaded to gitlab?
Here's in my local laravel project
Here's my gitlab
My Answer:
It is common practice to exclude the storage folder from being pushed to a version control system like GitLab. The storage folder typically contains user-generated content, cache files, logs, and other temporary files that do not need to be versioned or shared with other developers.
In Laravel, the storage folder is usually added to the .gitignore file by default, which means it will be excluded from being pushed to GitLab when you push your project. This is a good practice to follow to keep your repository clean and avoid unnecessary files being added to your version control system.
If you want to include specific files or folders from the storage directory in your GitLab repository, you can manually add them to the repository or adjust your .gitignore file to exclude only certain files within the storage folder. Just be mindful of what files you are including in your repository and make sure they are necessary for the project.
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