John Davidson

php - Wordpress same custom post template for different languages


I have a Wordpress webpage where a former web developer created a custom post type using Pods pulgin, on this custom post type there is a post that we can call "Ejemplo", that post uses content-single-ejemplo.php to be build but the english version "Example" is being created with content-single.php.

What should I do to use the same content-single-example.php for the same post on both languages instead of content-single.php for the english version?
(We are using the plugin WPML for translations)

I've already tried cloning the content-single-ejemplo.php and rename it as content-single-example.php but it still doesn't work.

My Answer:
To use the same custom post template for different languages in WordPress with WPML, you can follow these steps:

1. Make sure you have the WPML plugin installed and activated on your WordPress site.

2. Go to WPML -> Theme and Plugin Localization and make sure that your theme is set to "Translate using WPML's String Translation" option.

3. In your theme folder, locate the file content-single-ejemplo.php and duplicate it. Rename the duplicated file to content-single-example.php.

4. Open the content-single-example.php file and replace all instances of "Ejemplo" with "Example" in the file.

5. In your WordPress admin panel, go to WPML -> String Translation. Search for the strings "Ejemplo" and "Example" and make sure they are translated correctly.

6. Now, when you create a new post in the "Ejemplo" custom post type and translate it to English using WPML, it should use the content-single-example.php template file for the English version.

By following these steps, you should be able to use the same custom post template for different languages in WordPress with WPML.

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