so in postman, we have a form-data upload button if we want to attach a file and use POST to call an API endpoint. now my question is,
how to add a file if we are gonna use the body as a raw text payload request
if let's say the body is like this ?
"id": 1,
"mydata": [
"entity_id": 1,
"upload_file": // WHAT TO PUT HERE ?
"entity_id": 2,
"upload_file": //WHAT TO PUT HERE ?
In backend, we're suppose to catch an attached or uploaded file using $_FILES global variable.. but if the payload request is an object array... how are we suppose to include an attached file or upload file in the payload ? .. please see example above
My Answer:
To pass a file data in an object array to be accepted by a REST endpoint made of PHP, you can use the following approach:
1. In Postman, set the body type to "form-data" and add the file as a key-value pair. The key should match the key in your object array (e.g. "upload_file").
2. In the value field, select the file you want to upload.
3. In your PHP code, you can access the uploaded file using the $_FILES global variable. The key of the uploaded file will be the same as the key you used in Postman (e.g. $_FILES['upload_file']).
4. You can then process the uploaded file as needed in your PHP code.
By following these steps, you can successfully pass a file data in an object array to be accepted by a REST endpoint made of PHP.
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