John Davidson

Rename PHP Object property in foreach loop


I have a PHP object that I need to change the key name of in a foreach loop:

stdClass Object
[first-name] => NAME
[last-name] => NAME
[phone-number] => NUMBER

I need to replace the dash '-' to a underscore '_' within a foreach so it looks like this:

stdClass Object
[first_name] => NAME
[last_name] => NAME
[phone_number] => NUMBER

I found this post: PHP - How to rename an object property? which does tell me how to do it, the problem is that when I use unset() inside of the foreach it unsets all of the keys instead of just the ones I want it to.

Here's my code:

foreach ($customer as $key => $value) {
$key2 = str_replace('-', '_', $key);
$customer->$key2 = $customer->$key;

which returns an empty object:

stdClass Object

How can I unset the original keys without affecting the new ones?

My Answer:
You can achieve this by creating a new object and assigning the modified keys to it. Here's an example:

$newCustomer = new stdClass();

foreach ($customer as $key => $value) {
$newKey = str_replace('-', '_', $key);
$newCustomer->$newKey = $value;

// Now $newCustomer will have the modified keys

This way, you are creating a new object `$newCustomer` and assigning the modified keys to it without affecting the original object `$customer`.

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