I have been trying to sort multi-dimensional inner array, i have tried array_multisort() method but doesn't worked in my case.
$array = [
], [
I need to sort the above array based on weight in such a way that if sort by highest weight array should return sizes block with highest weight and vice-versa. In this case "weight": 80 is the highest and if sort by lowest 1st "weight": 20 should come 1st.
Expected output after sort for both SORT_ASC and SORT_DESC
$array = [
], [
My Answer:
You can achieve the desired sorting by using a custom sorting function with the usort() function in PHP. Here is an example code snippet to sort the inner arrays based on the 'weight' key:
usort($array, function($a, $b) {
$weightA = max(array_column($a['sizes'], 'weight'));
$weightB = max(array_column($b['sizes'], 'weight'));
return $weightA <=> $weightB;
// For SORT_DESC, change the comparison to $weightB <=> $weightA
This code snippet will sort the $array based on the highest 'weight' value in the 'sizes' sub-array. You can change the comparison to sort in descending order.
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