John Davidson

trying to open a php project using netbeans but error not found appears


I'm trying to open a PHP project using netbeans, this project was not created by me, so I move it into htdocs folder, but localhost does not recognize it and this error showed up:
(localhost worked properly when I create project myself)

The location of the project is : D:\xampp\htdocs\S21\project21

so I tried this url: http://localhost/s21/project21/index.php and it did open, however without styles. It didn't load stylesheet files.

I even edited any location inside the PHP files to the new URL but it's still not working.

any idea about why this happened? And how to fix?

My Answer:
It sounds like the issue may be related to the paths of the stylesheet files in your project. When you moved the project to a new location, the paths to the stylesheet files may have become incorrect.

To fix this issue, you will need to update the paths to the stylesheet files in your project to reflect the new location. You can do this by editing the HTML or PHP files in your project and updating the paths to the stylesheet files.

For example, if your stylesheet file is located in a folder called "css" within your project directory, you would need to update the path in your HTML or PHP file from something like:


Make sure to update the paths for all stylesheet files in your project. Once you have updated the paths, save your changes and try accessing your project again. This should fix the issue with the styles not loading.

If you continue to experience issues, double check the paths in your project files and ensure they are correct. Additionally, you may need to clear your browser cache to ensure that the updated styles are being loaded properly.

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