John Davidson

wordpress - Trying to extend a class to overwrite a function PHP


Ok, I have the parent class from a plugin I'm trying to extend:

class OsBookingHelper {

public static function get_statuses_list(){
return array( LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_APPROVED => __('Approved', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_PENDING => __('Pending Approval', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_PAYMENT_PENDING => __('Payment Pending', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_CANCELLED => __('Cancelled', 'latepoint'));


My code to extend follows: It's not working for some reason....

if ( ! class_exists( 'OsNuuCustomAppointmentStatusHelper' ) ) :

class OsNuuCustomAppointmentStatusHelper extends OsBookingHelper {

function __construct(){

public static function get_statuses_list(){
return array( LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_APPROVED => __('Approved', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_PENDING => __('Pending Approval', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_PAYMENT_PENDING => __('Payment Pending', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_CANCELLED => __('Cancelled', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_COMPLETE => __('Complete', 'latepoint'));


Any ideas? I'm totally at a loss with this...
Oh, before I forget. There's a parent class that is instantiated in another file that calls the file containing my code using include_once

My Answer:
It looks like you are missing the closing brace for the if statement in your code. You need to add a closing brace before the endif statement. Here is the corrected code:

if ( ! class_exists( 'OsNuuCustomAppointmentStatusHelper' ) ) {

class OsNuuCustomAppointmentStatusHelper extends OsBookingHelper {

function __construct(){

public static function get_statuses_list(){
return array( LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_APPROVED => __('Approved', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_PENDING => __('Pending Approval', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_PAYMENT_PENDING => __('Payment Pending', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_CANCELLED => __('Cancelled', 'latepoint'),
LATEPOINT_BOOKING_STATUS_COMPLETE => __('Complete', 'latepoint'));


Make sure to add the closing brace before the endif statement and see if that resolves the issue.

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