John Davidson

How to fill browser auth popup with credentials selenium php


i trying to fill this popup using selenium in php
i tried this


but nothing filled

and got this error

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\WebDriverActions::sendKeys() must be an instance of Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverEle
ment or null, string given, called in C:\wamp64\www\new\test.php on line 87 and defined in C:\wamp64\www\new\vendor\facebook\webdriver\lib\Interactions\WebDriverActions.

My Answer:
> switchTo()->alert()->sendKeys("username");
> switchTo()->alert()->accept();
> switchTo()->alert()->sendKeys("password");
> switchTo()->alert()->accept();

This code snippet is attempting to interact with an alert popup, not a browser authentication popup. Browser authentication popups are not standard HTML alerts and cannot be interacted with in the same way.

To fill a browser authentication popup with credentials using Selenium in PHP, you can use the `Alert` interface provided by Selenium. Here is an example code snippet to achieve this:


// This will navigate to a URL with the credentials embedded in the URL

// Alternatively, you can use the following code to handle the authentication popup
$driver->switchTo()->alert()->sendKeys("username" . Keys::TAB . "password" . Keys::ENTER);

In this code snippet, we are navigating to a URL that includes the credentials in the URL itself. This is a common way to handle browser authentication popups in Selenium. Alternatively, you can use the `sendKeys` method on the alert to send the username and password separated by a tab key and then press enter to submit the credentials.

Please note that handling browser authentication popups in Selenium can be tricky and may not work in all cases. It is recommended to avoid using browser authentication popups if possible and use other authentication methods in your application.

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