John Davidson

php - Validating a large CSV file format in Laravel


I would like to validate a large (up to millions of rows) CSV file content without reading it twice : once in the validation request file, once when storing the content of the CSV file to the database. What's the best, clean and efficient approach?

Here is what I have so far:


public function rules()
return [
'prices' => [
new PriceFileExtensionsRule(['csv']),
new PriceFileHeadersRule,
new PriceFileDataFormatRule
'pair' => 'required|array',
'timeframe' => 'required|in:1S,1,1H,4H,1D,1W,1M',
'type' => 'required|in:spot,future',
'exchange' => 'required|in:FTX,binance',
'tx_fee' => 'required|numeric',
'm_fee' => 'required|numeric'

public function persist(): void
// checks if the Symbol already exists in the DB
if ($this->isSymbolDuplicate()) {
throw new Exception('Symbol already exists in the database.');

// Stores the Symbol in the DB
// Stores the CSV content in the DB


public function store(CreateSymbolRequest $request)

Of course, I could split the basic validation in CreateSymbolRequest.php and the more advanced validation in SymbolsController.php, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of having a separate Request file with the validation rules in it.

I was also thinking of passing a $content variable by reference to the Rule files but I don't think I can return anything from there and that feels very ugly anyway.

My Answer:
'required|file|mimes:csv|max:2048', ];}_CreateSymbolController.php:_public function store(Request $request)_{_ $validatedData = $request->validate([ 'prices' => 'required|file|mimes:csv|max:2048', ]); $file = $request->file('prices'); $csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file($file)); // Store $csv data to database_}

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