John Davidson

php - Parent placeholder rendered in Laravel view


  • Laravel Version: v8.41.0

  • PHP Version: 8.0.5

  • Sail Version: v1.5.1


I have an a.blade.php view that, in body, contains a @yield directive like this


Then, the view is included in another one, b.blade.php that holds data for the post_body_scripts section

@include('c', ['foo' => 'bar'])
<script src="{{ asset('js/b.js') }}"></script>

The included c view contains another part of the post_body_scripts section

<script src="https://cdn/ajsfile.js"></script>

The @parent directive correctly works, but an hashtag starting placeholder is shown when the render of the view starts

<?php $__env->startSection('post_body_scripts'); ?>

<script src="https://cdn/ajsfile.js"></script>
<?php $__env->stopSection(); ?><?php /**PATH /var/www/html/resources/views/c.blade.php ENDPATH**/ ?>

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Create a base view that contains a @yield directive;

  2. Create a view that extends the previous one and uses a @section directive for the previous yield;

  3. Include, in the view created at point 2, another sub view;

  4. In the view included at point 3, use a @section directive that starts with @parent for the declared yield.


As notified to me in comments I tried using @stack directive but problem is still here.







My Answer:
'bar'])_..._@section('post_body_scripts')_ _@endsection__However, when I render the b.blade.php view, the @yield directive in a.blade.php is not replaced with the content from b.blade.php. Instead, it remains as is_@yield('post_body_scripts')__.How can I make sure that the content from b.blade.php is rendered in the @yield directive of a.blade.php?

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