John Davidson

How to get php database values before the values are loaded using javascript?


So i have 3 pages. upload.php, main.php and script.js. Upload.php lists some database entries, and has a button behind each entry for more info on the entry. When you press the button it gives the ID value from the database with POST in the url and so it loads the info in main.php with the given id.

I have a javascript file: script.js which needs those db values that are echoed on main.php. I watched a tutorial on passing a variable from php to js using ajax. But the problem is that the values on main are only posted when you press the button in upload.php. Which means when i run the script it just fetches from main.php which has no values if the button is not pressed on upload.php.

How do i make the javascript get the values from main?

Im very new to js.

My Answer:
One way to solve this issue is to use AJAX to fetch the database values from main.php before the button is pressed on upload.php. You can make an AJAX request to main.php when the page loads and store the values in a JavaScript variable for later use.

Here's an example of how you can do this:

1. In your script.js file, make an AJAX request to main.php to fetch the database values:

$(document).ready(function() {
url: 'main.php',
type: 'GET',
success: function(response) {
// Parse the response and store the database values in a JavaScript variable
var databaseValues = JSON.parse(response);

// Now you can use the databaseValues variable to access the database values in your script

2. In your main.php file, retrieve the database values and echo them as JSON:

// Retrieve the database values
$databaseValues = // Retrieve the database values from the database

// Echo the database values as JSON
echo json_encode($databaseValues);

With this setup, when main.php is loaded, the AJAX request in script.js will fetch the database values and store them in a JavaScript variable. Then, when the button is pressed on upload.php, you can access the database values from the JavaScript variable without needing to make another AJAX request.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

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