John Davidson

php - Optimize laravel eloquent query


hello there i am working on a project with 30000 records, i want to print all the records on the paper, but when excute the following command,it keeps on loading the data until it runs out of memory, keep in mind i am fetching data with three different tables using relations with user_id in common in all the tables, i want to optimize the query, so that i can print all the user records seamlessly

$users= \App\User::with(['withdarawals','deposits'])->get()->groupBy('id');

My Answer:
To optimize the query and prevent running out of memory, you can try the following approaches:

1. Use pagination: Instead of fetching all 30,000 records at once, you can paginate the results and fetch a limited number of records at a time. This will reduce the memory usage and improve performance.

$users = \App\User::with(['withdrawals', 'deposits'])->paginate(100); // Fetch 100 records at a time

2. Use select() to fetch only the necessary columns: Instead of fetching all columns from the database, you can specify the columns you need using the select() method. This will reduce the amount of data fetched and improve performance.

$users = \App\User::with(['withdrawals', 'deposits'])->select('id', 'name', 'email')->get();

3. Use eager loading with constraints: If you only need specific records based on certain conditions, you can use constraints in your eager loading to fetch only the necessary data.

$users = \App\User::with(['withdrawals' => function ($query) {
$query->where('amount', '>', 1000);
}, 'deposits'])->get();

By implementing these optimizations, you should be able to fetch and print all user records seamlessly without running out of memory.

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