John Davidson

javascript - change button link on click of select option


My html code


<div class="pricing-btn">
<a href="<?php echo $ButtonLink1; ?>" class="btn"> Get started</a>
<div class="pricing-btn">
<a href="<?php echo $ButtonLink2; ?>" class="btn"> Get started</a>
<div class="pricing-btn">
<a href="<?php echo $ButtonLink3; ?>" class="btn"> Get started</a>

When monthly option is selected div with $ButtonLink1 should be visible.

When annually option is selected div with $ButtonLink2 should be visible.

When triennially option is selected div with $ButtonLink3 should be visible.

Default visible value should be monthly option and div with $ButtonLink1.

Can anyone please tell me how to write script to achieve this?

My Answer:

Change Button Link on Select Option

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