John Davidson

php - Codeigniter limit and offset pagination not working in descending order


Pagination worked fine in ASC order but I just can't get it to work in DESC order.

I have 10 test videos in my database with ids from 1-10, in the first batch I want to get the last 5 videos (ids: 10,9,8,7,6) and in the next batch the remaining ones (id:5,4,3,2,1).

The problem is that I always get empty results when using DESC order, here is my code:

    $limit = 5;

$this->db->limit($limit,$index); // currently index is 10

$videos = $query->result_array(); // empty array
echo $this->db->last_query();
// QUERY: SELECT * FROM `participant_videos` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 10, 5

return [
'videos' => $videos,
'index' => empty($videos) ? 0 : $index - $limit,

First time the index is determined like this:

 public function get_latest_video () {

$video = $this->db->select("*")->limit(1)->order_by('id',"DESC")->get("participant_videos")->row_array();

return !empty($video['id']) ? $video['id'] : null; // index (10)


This is my table structure and content:

== Table structure for table participant_videos

== Dumping data for table participant_videos


My Answer:
load->model('Video_model');__ $total_rows = $this->Video_model->get_total_videos();__ $offset = $total_rows - $limit;__ $videos = $this->Video_model->get_videos($limit, $offset, 'desc');__ foreach($videos as $video) {__ echo $video->id;__ }__ // Video_model.php__ public function get_total_videos() {__ return $this->db->count_all('videos');__ }__ public function get_videos($limit, $offset, $order) {__ $this->db->order_by('id', $order);__ $this->db->limit($limit, $offset);__ $query = $this->db->get('videos');__ return $query->result();__ }__I have tried different combinations of $limit and $offset values but I always get empty results when using DESC order. What am I doing wrong?

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